Wait, is this even a Tesla. Pat Riley Fuck Boston shirt . Or a different car? This is not my area of expertise. The kid is getting bullied at school, and Ashton is nice to him about it :Reese won��t let her kid play hockey, because he��s ��too small.�� Oh God, what if I someday have a child who wants to play a contact sport? As a girl of sitting-in-the-outfield-making-daisy-crowns experience, I can��t handle it.
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Oh yeah, a whole plot point. Pat Riley Fuck Boston shirt . in this movie is that Reese is maybe Munchausen-lite-ing her son about his allergies? Like, the movie presents her as weird for being super on top of his sensitivities, but I feel like that��s��reasonable, LOL.
Reese is repulsed by Ashton��s serial-killer-clean place and its color-sorted books, which I fully agree with.
A hot girl shows up unannounced to woo Ashton half-naked, but ends up becoming pals with Reese, as you do.
More split-screen.
Reese is reading White Teeth!
I��m bored, dude.
>se it. Meanw