Hanukkah does not show up in Metro Boomin Travis Scott Comic shirt . the Torah. Yet this year, as antisemitism is on the rise in a very public way, the holiday feels more important than ever. Hanukkah celebrates the miracle of light and good defeating evil. The story goes like this: In Babylonian times, the Maccabees, Jewish rebel warriors,
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fought against the Greek king Metro Boomin Travis Scott Comic shirt . Antiochus who desecrated the holy temple of the Jews. The Maccabees won, reclaimed the temple in Jerusalem, and had to rededicate the temple by lighting a menorah. But they only had enough oil to light it for one day. Miraculously, that oil burned for eight, hence the eight days of Hanukkah. It’s a holiday that hinges on faith and ultimately symbolizes how light can overcome darkness.