When I heard she was also a musician, Leg Day Gohan Dragon Ball shirt . I assumed it was yet another case of a Hollywood-girlie side project that wouldn’t necessarily be…well, good. Actually, why am I picking on Hollywood girlies when it’s usually leading men who have extremely average bands on the side?) In any case, chalk it up to extreme ignorance.
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because once I actually listened to Rapps debut EP, Everything to Everyone, which came out in November, I was absolutely hooked. It’s fair to say that I would probably be a knee-jerk fan of any queer pop singer, and indeed, the fact that Rapp is openly bisexual definitely makes me more excited about parsing her Leg Day Gohan Dragon Ball shirt . lyrics. Unlike the #Gaylor conspiracy, it doesn’t require too much close reading to locate the queer subtext in Rapp’s album; the song What Can I Do” is all about the experience of holding your friend’s hand while your boyfriend is in the bathroom—as a totally straight thing,