The best cookbooks are far more Anthony Michael Bourdain World Travel Food shirt . than a straightforward list of recipes, combining philosophy, history, and enough sensuous description to make them a joy to read, whether you’re in the kitchen or curled up on a sofa. Nigella Lawson’s How to Eat is as much a case for purple prose as it is a home cooking bible, and the common sense and gentle humor to be found in Mastering the Art of French Cooking make it a pleasure to flip through nearly 60 years after its original publication.
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And for those who are already familiar with the Italian and French traditions? In lieu of an actual holiday, transport yourself to Mexico City by way of Gabriela Cámara’s arroz verde, or conjure up an Irani cafe by sipping a homemade cup of Dishoom’s masala chai. Anthony Michael Bourdain World Travel Food shirt . Below, 17 genius cookbooks that everyone should own.
Where Cooking Begins by Carla Lalli Music
The best cookbook for… changing up your shopping habits.
In a single volume, Where Cooking Begins teaches you how to shop more effectively, pare down your kitchenware, and master six classic techniques that work with just about any produce: sautéing, pan-roasting, steaming, boiling, confiting and slow-roasting. Oh, and it also has one of the best simple recipes for pastry dough ever, inspired by none other than Julia Child.